Sunday, January 21, 2018

COP3 Primary research - Leeds Children's Ward

By observing the already exsisting techniques within a hospital environment there was the oppertunity for there to be an indepth analysis of the area within differnt factors such as function, direction, aesthetic and other components which interact with a young audience.

The appearance of the illustrations around the are friendly and approachable. However the colour choice doens't allow the designs to be immedietly noticable as being for a children's audience.

Using the visuals of nature and differnt aquatic animals allows the audience to feelm more at ease, the size and the application of the designs doesn't allow them to be immedietly noticable.

Entrance to the ward

Reception waiting area

There isn't much within the reception area for children to do, it was a relatively plain area surprisingly and considering the nature of the audience.

Side of wall entrance building

Closer look of detail on walls

The white walls are an opperuntiy for colours to be more vibrant and contrast with the walls but the cooler tone in the colours don't stand out against the walls of the building. 

The handprints on the walls belong to dfferent patients and has the oppertunity to make children feel special. 

By observing an environment which has been objectively unsuccessful there is the oppertunity to see what could be different and why it hasnt been 'successful'. 

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