Sketches for practical outcome
These images were drawn under the idea being friendly and approachable for children.
Using characters is a way for children to feel familiar with an environment by utilising this idea there is then a
The round edges of the work has been considered in order to avoid sharp images, which could prove to be intimidating in their deminer
Further development - more refined outcome
Keeping with the theme of being friendly.
Colour experimentation
Using a previously successful colour choice to consider the validity of using a limited colour palette.
Although considering this palette is valid, the simplicity in the appearance of the work doesn't allow much
NHS colours
Can these colours be implemented? However, using these colours could prove to be difficult in the fact that they are used within other elements such as wayfinding or this could be used to an advantage and having an animal associated with a certain location.
The colours have been applied to the original animal design.
The medium these designs will be applied in has affected the ways in which their colours can be used.
The colours for the animals aren't accurate which is an issue, the purpose of the work is also to be informative, there should be as much accuracy as possible, especially when the other mediums rely on colour in the printed outcome.
Final colour choices
Considering vinyl colour choices and adapting to them, this was not always easy to apply to but it was affective
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