Sunday, April 23, 2017

COP2- Practical outcome / Evaluation


This idea was developed from the previous concept of creating an effective and bold print which presents the idea of punk and remains relevant. 

The type used in this concept was chosen to convey boldness, however, in using more expressive font, the message is a lot clearer in tone and intent. The original concept is not as subtle as the outcome created but they convey the same message in the way the final outcome has been produced and inspired by.  The final outcome takes lot more subtle and considered approach in medium and content. 

Focused the print on the middle of the print to create boldness towards the text. This was also used for the screen printing technique. 

The collage was created from an exercise which explored the idea of appropriation and the idea of creating a piece of effective work from different media exploration. 

The design was originally created as a collage under the motivation of appropriation. Appropriation and subculture are closely linked as many subcultures like a lot of other media, were inspired by other existing subcultures either in their ideals or aesthetics. So to develop this from a handmade outcome seemed to be the most appropriate.


Production was a fairly straightforward. There was a clear concept in mind with creating a bold outcome.

With the use of screenprint, this particular medium had relevance with the theoretical and practical understanding of the research question as well as contextual research, digital media was not prominent within the movement, presenting a modern figure in this context allows the audience to answer the research question "is punk relevant within graphic design?"

In using a popular/controversial figure within this context there is the allowance for the audience to already have an assosiation, which creates interest and attention. The type has been created with a mash of lettering, no organisation had been considered, the more sporadic and chaotic the way it was presented seemed to be the most appropriate and authentic way of presenting the message as well as it being identified within many instances of past graphic design 

The stock was from colourplan, it was a thick stock and the bright colours were relevant to presenting the message and contrasting with the image, showcasing it in the most effective way. 


How successful is the outcome?

As an outcome, various aspects have been considered to make it effective. The medium has been considered in terms of its presentation and the way in which it's been created. The use of print allows there to be more 

What wasn't successful?

With better time efficiency there could have been more consideration of the range of media in which the work. The presentation of the print could of been better in the consideration and care taken to the production, there is a slight

What would you do differently?

Gather more range of opinions in terms of different subcultures which exist, as well as being more diverse within research and gaining more understanding of subcultures. 

Also take more awareness for layout consideration and the manor of production with exploring colour and type choice. 

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